Day 36... February 5:
Floating... Stayed up until 2:30 am yesterday, investigating levitation photography on YouTube. Tonight, on a photo club outing to the top of the Calgary Tower, I caught a little floating action.
Sweet... Saw this on my way to work this morning. Even though it wasn't intended for me personally, it made my Monday morning a little bit sweeter. Had to do some major Photoshop clone editing on the bottom corner. The snow on that part of the sidewalk was actually shoveled clear.
Pens in My Desk Drawer... The cold winter wind kept me indoors (until I had to go to work), so I thought I'd take a shot of whatever was in my desk drawer. Totally sans effects.
The Photo Exhibit... February is Exposure Festival month where photography is celebrated with exhibits and workshops throughout the month of February. My Fine Arts Photography class went to George Webber's Sandstone City opening at the Lougheed House, then later went to see the photos exhibited at The Grand Theatre.
Art Central Dove... Spent Thursday afternoon blitzing the MOCA, Art Gallery of Calgary, Art Central and Glenbow Museum photo exhibits downtown. A pair of doves in an ornate cage at Art Central became the photo of the day.
Black History Month... February is also Black History Month and every year the Afrikadey people put on a What is Black History show at the Central Library. Even though I was scheduled to work the Library display table, my supervisor gave me free rein to take as many photos as I liked.
Bad Kitty... Every so often my friend and I go to Value Village to de-stress. I picked up a bag of toys for $2 and composed this. Stacey Watson, my Fine Arts Photography teacher, says that all photos are autobiographical. So, I feel some concern about what a dominating female kitty with a sword to a little pig's throat might say about me.