Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Project 366. 2012... Week 5

Day 29... January 29:

The Tormentor... Since moving into my new apartment in November, my cat has been having severe anxiety attacks. She grooms herself like she's possessed; flipping around on the floor, eyes crazed. I've suspected the cause of her distress was another cat lurking around. Today I spotted her tormentor.

Day 30... January 30:

Park Lost & Found... Less than inspiring day.

Day 31... January 31:

"Super intense"... was one of my Flickr contacts response to Kit's mojo stare.

Day 32... February 1:

Sunlit Ivy... Sometimes it's the little things like sunlight lit ivy leaves that make my day.

Day 33... February 2:

Magpies in Flight... while anticipating the move of one magpie, a second maggie made this the shot of the day. Super lucky.

Day 34... February 3:

Dream Catcher Feather... low on ideas again and short of time.

Day 35... February 4:

Pigeon on Rooftop... spotted this from across the street while waiting for a bus. Had to do some major cropping. What caught my eye was the contrast between this weak defiant-looking little bird and the strong lines of the building's roof.

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